Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Project Activities:

1. Water and Sanitation (WASH) groups monthly meeting:
Mamta WASH group members after monthly meeting from Basauti VDC-5
Under WATSAN project there are 54 WASH groups in 5 VDCs. In total there are 634 members in WASH groups. 352 male and 282 female. Every month all 54 WASH groups organized their monthly meeting in different date as per their convenience. The main objectives to form this WASH groups is to mobilize and transform their community in health, water, sanitation and hygiene. In their meeting they discuss and interact in various agenda, like personal hygiene practices, sanitation in their home and community, safe drinking water, safe and clean environment etc. 

Matma WASH group in Basauti-5 discussion on monthly meeting
Those WASH groups has also celebrated World Environment Day (5th June 2011) , National Sanitation week (5th-11th June 2011), Global Handwashing Day (15th October 2011) and they going to celebrate World Toilet Day on 19th November 2011 in their community and schools with various activities.


2. Global Handwashing Day Celebration: 
Demonstrating by one of the participant on Global Handwashing Day

Global Handwashing Day was celebrated by WASH groups in 5 VDCs on 15 October 2011 organising different activities in community, schools and churches. Among that WASH group of Urma VDC, ward no.8, Bhada celebrated Global Handwashing Day at Shree Dipendra Charpate Lower Secondary School. There were 33 participants in the celebration. 21 female and 12 male. They learn and aware on importance of hand washing. They demonstrated by themselves on how to wash their hands in a proper way. 

Students Demonstrating hand washing

Orientation on hand washing to school students at Urma VDC

Children demonstrating hand washing
Ashish Church of Pahalmanpur VDC, ward no.2 celebrated Global Handwashing Day in their church. There are more than 150 participants participated. Mahima Church of Basauti VDC, ward no.4 celebrated Global Handwashing Day in their church community. There are more than 80 participants participated in the activity.
Church members participating Global Handwashing Day

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