Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Our Values

Our Values: -xfd|f] d'NodfGotf_M
  1. We are committed to the poor and marginalized. -xfdL ul/a / l;dfGts[tx?df k|lta4 5f}+_
  2. We love and value people. -xfdL dflg;nfO{ k|]d u5f}{ / dfGotf lbG5f}_
  3. We work in transparency through integrity. -xfdL OdfGbfl/tf dfkm{t kf/blz{tf;Fu sfd u5f}
  4. We are accountable and responsive. -xfdL hjfkmb]xL / pQ/bflo 5f}+_
  5. We are God's people to show and perform God's love. -k/d]Zj/sf] k|]d b]vfpg / k|:t't ug{ xfdL k/]d]Zj/sf dflg;x? xf}+_

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