Monday, October 15, 2012

5th Global Handwashing Day Celebration

 Handwashing with soap is the most effective & inexpensive way to prevent diarrheal & acute respiratory infections, which take the lives of millions of children in developing countries.

Together, they are responsible for the majority of all child deaths. 

Global Handwashing Day was originally created for children and schools,but can be celebrated by anyone promoting handwashing with soap.
Each year on October 15,  over 200 million people are involved in celebrations in over 100 countries around the world

This year Theme is: "Help More Children Reach Their 5th Birthday".

To help more children reach their 5th birthday, NSA has celebrated 5th Global Handwashing Day today at different schools in our coverage VDCs (Pahalmanpur, Urma, Basauti, Pabera and Gadaria). We celebrated this birthday with school children. We celebrated this day at 5 schools in all 5 VDCs. Those schools are Shining Diamond Boarding School, Urma VDC, A.T.S Boarding School, Pahalmanpur VDC, Maulik Model Boarding School, Basauti VDC, Manakamana Primary School, Pabera VDC and  Awatar Boarding School, Gadaria VDC. There were more than 500 children participated in the celebration. 

We gave orientation to the school children, on why to hand wash and why globally this day is celebrating. We make demonstration on how to wash our hands. Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHV) from local health post facilitated the orientation and practical demonstration.

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