Saturday, October 27, 2012

World Toilet Day 19th November 2012

NSA is going to celebrate World Toilet Day on 19th November 2012 in its working VDCs. We are organizing various activities to aware community people to build toilets and declare the VDC as Open Free Defecation Zone.

Monday, October 15, 2012

5th Global Handwashing Day Celebration

 Handwashing with soap is the most effective & inexpensive way to prevent diarrheal & acute respiratory infections, which take the lives of millions of children in developing countries.

Together, they are responsible for the majority of all child deaths. 

Global Handwashing Day was originally created for children and schools,but can be celebrated by anyone promoting handwashing with soap.
Each year on October 15,  over 200 million people are involved in celebrations in over 100 countries around the world

This year Theme is: "Help More Children Reach Their 5th Birthday".

To help more children reach their 5th birthday, NSA has celebrated 5th Global Handwashing Day today at different schools in our coverage VDCs (Pahalmanpur, Urma, Basauti, Pabera and Gadaria). We celebrated this birthday with school children. We celebrated this day at 5 schools in all 5 VDCs. Those schools are Shining Diamond Boarding School, Urma VDC, A.T.S Boarding School, Pahalmanpur VDC, Maulik Model Boarding School, Basauti VDC, Manakamana Primary School, Pabera VDC and  Awatar Boarding School, Gadaria VDC. There were more than 500 children participated in the celebration. 

We gave orientation to the school children, on why to hand wash and why globally this day is celebrating. We make demonstration on how to wash our hands. Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHV) from local health post facilitated the orientation and practical demonstration.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

13th National Sanitation Week Celebration

नवजीवन सेवा संघ, धनगढी, कैलालीले यो वर्षको राष्ट्रिय सरसफाई सप्ताह भब्यताको साथमा मनायो। नवजीवन सेवा संघको कैलाली जिल्लाको पाँच गा.वि. स.हरुमा यो राष्ट्रिय ब्यापी दिवस विद्यालयका सम्पूर्ण बिद्यार्थी हरुको माझ विभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरु गरि मानियो।

Teacher of Rastriya Secondary School giving speech in program in Pahalmanpur VDC
Students in Sanitation Week program
Women from our WASH group discussing on sanitation week

Mr. Dhan Bahadur Khatri facilitating sanitation importance to community women in Pahalmanpur VDC

यस वर्षको नारा "एक घर एक चर्पी, नजिकैमा धारा, खुला दिसामुक्त देश बानाऔ, लागि पारौ सारा."  यसै सन्धर्बमा यस वर्षमा पवेरा गा.वि.स.लाई दिसामुक्त गा.वि.स. क्षेत्र घोषणा गर्ने गरि यस  गा.वि.स.मा कार्यरत विभिन्न संघ संस्थाहरु मिलेर 271 घरमा चर्पी सहयोग कार्यक्रम निर्माण कार्य हुँदैछ। 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Campaign for Open Free Defecation Zone

A dog can't use latrine, but you can. Have a latrine yet?

In financial support of Fida International Nepal, New Life Service Association (NSA) is implementing its project under Water and Sanitation (WASH) project in 5 VDCs of Kailali district. 

The project has been started from 2011 and will completed in 2014. We have 54 WASH groups in each cluster of these VDCs. Through these WASH groups we are campaigning sanitation activities. Under this project we have a purpose of declaring Open Free Defecation Zone for at least 2 VDCs until 2014. 

From this year 2012, we have started to support to build low cost toilet to poor and marginal family from our coverage area. 

Please be with us and pray for us for the successful of this campaign. God created this beautiful nature and we people had destroyed it. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Orientation on Personal Hygiene Practice:

Orientation on "Personal Hygiene Practice" has been conducted on all the 5 VDCs of the project working areas. The Orientation was mainly focused or organised to Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) of the project area. More than101 CHVs from 5 working areas were taken part in the orientation. Mr. Pramindra Man Shrestha (Field Supervisor of NSA) and Mr. Dhan Bahadur Khatri (Project Accountant of NSA) took part in the orientation on behalf of the organisation to manage the logistics and monitoring. The detail information of the orientation is given below.

Details of Orientation:


Name of the VDC

No. of Participants
Name of Resource Person

Ward No.
Health Post In Charge
6th Dec. 2011 
Health post  Office
Mr. Ram Prasad Chaudhary
6th Dec. 2011
Health post  Office
 Mr. Jagdish Kushmi

8th Dec. 2011
Health post  Office
Mr. Ram Bahadur Dhami

10th Dec. 2011
Beheda Baba Higher Secondary School
 Mr. Bhagiram Chaudhary

11th Dec. 2011
Health post  Office
Mr. Bhagiram Chaudhary

Orientation on Safe Drinking Water and Waterborne Disease:

According to the project work plan of the fiscal year 2011, we have completed 2 days orientation on ''Safe Drinking Water and Waterborne Disease" in five VDCs. Before started the orientation, we have informed Mr. Jayaram Karki, Officer of District Public Health Office about our work and the orientation program. We had requested him to provide qualified trainer to conduct the training effectively. As per our discussion, he told us that he will inform the health post in-charge of five VDCs to support our program. After that we had visited the Health post of the 5 of our working VDCs and made interaction with all the Health post in charge. They had accepted our proposal and we have made an agreement (LOU) with trainer for the orientation. Two participants from each WASH group were selected for the orientation. Participants were enthusiastically and eagerly participated in the training. They showed their commitments to share their learning among their groups and in their ward. Overall the orientation was focused on raising awareness on safe drinking water, water born disease by contaminated water, method of purifying water, to impart the knowledge on management of water during flood and rainy season. There were 107 (54 Male and 53 Female) participants in total from 5 VDCs.

Details of orientation:

Name of the VDC

No. of Participants
Resource Person

Ward No.
Health Post In Charge
24th-25thAug 2011 
Health Post  Office
Mr. Bed Bahadur Chaudhary
30th-31st Aug 2011 
Health Post  Office
Mr. Bhagiram Chaudhary
4th Dec. 2011
Health Post  Office
 Mr. Jagdish Kushmi
7th Dec. 2011
Pidit Mukti Samaj Bhwan
Mr. Bhagiram Chaudhary
9th Dec. 2011
Beheda Baba Higher Secondary School
 Mr. Bhagiram Chaudhary

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NSA and WASH groups celebrated 10th World Toilet Day

Celebration of World Toilet Day 19th November 2011

In 2001 WTO declared 19th November World Toilet Day (WTD). World Toilet Organization created WTD to raise global awareness of the struggle 2.6 billion face every day without access to proper, clean sanitation.WTD also brings to the forefront the health, emotional and psychological consequences the poor endure as a result of inadequate sanitation.

To promote and enhance better sanitation, clean environment and healthy community NSA is also having partnering with Fida International to raise awareness the community people where NSA implementing its WATSAN project in Kailali district.

Students ready for rally
Celebrating World Toilet Day
NSA celebrate World Toilet Day at schools with schoolchildren doing various extra curricular activities like: awareness rally, speech competition, drawing competition etc. Students from Aparampar Lower Secondary School, Gadariya VDC, Benauli, ward no.6 took participated in rally. The program was organized by the Nawajeevan Youth Service WASH group. There were more than 150 students and teachers participated in the rally. They speak out to the community clean their house and surroundings. They spoke, "We are proud to have toilet in our home".   
Participants of drawing competition
Children after program
Mr. Ganesh Thapa, Secretary of SMC distributing prize

 Shree Janakalyan Primary School of Urma VDC, Jalghusra, ward no.9 celebrated World Toilet Day by doing drawing competition among primary level children on sanitation. There are 10 students participated in drawing competition. They are from class 7 and 8. School Management Committee (SMC) and Principle distributed prizes for the winners. 
Student giving speech in the competition
SMC member distributing prize to the winner

Shree Janta Lower Secondary School of Basauti VDC, Uttar Kataini, ward no.7 celebrated World Toilet Day by organizing speech competition among lower secondary level students. There are 10 students participated in the competition from class 8. The subject of the speech competition was, "Importance of Toilet for Sanitation and Environment". School Management Committee and school teachers participated in the program and they also distributed the prizes to the winner of the competition.
SMC members and teachers cleaning toilets at school

Mr. Pramindra Man Shrestha, Field Supervisor of NSA handover sanitation materials to School headmaster of Urma VDC Mr. Likha Ram Chaudhary.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

We want to be a partner....

NSA is a non profitable and non government registered Christian organization based in Dhangadhi, Kailali, Nepal. We are committed to serve the marginalised and the poor community people.

We are seeking to become partner and do partnership to serve those marginalised poor community people in our areas. We work in the area of HIV and AIDS, Sustainable Livelihoods (Micro Credit, Micro Enterprise Development, Food Security), Education (formal and non formal), Health (Hygiene), Sanitation, Water, Environment, Disaster Management, Children, Disability and Gender.

If you want to make us your partner to serve the marginalised and poor our contact address is:
Or if you want to donate NSA to give your support:
New Life Service Association (NSA)
Dhangadhi-4, Kailali district
P.O.Box No.49
Office Phone: +977-91-527370; 524383