Sunday, June 17, 2012

13th National Sanitation Week Celebration

नवजीवन सेवा संघ, धनगढी, कैलालीले यो वर्षको राष्ट्रिय सरसफाई सप्ताह भब्यताको साथमा मनायो। नवजीवन सेवा संघको कैलाली जिल्लाको पाँच गा.वि. स.हरुमा यो राष्ट्रिय ब्यापी दिवस विद्यालयका सम्पूर्ण बिद्यार्थी हरुको माझ विभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरु गरि मानियो।

Teacher of Rastriya Secondary School giving speech in program in Pahalmanpur VDC
Students in Sanitation Week program
Women from our WASH group discussing on sanitation week

Mr. Dhan Bahadur Khatri facilitating sanitation importance to community women in Pahalmanpur VDC

यस वर्षको नारा "एक घर एक चर्पी, नजिकैमा धारा, खुला दिसामुक्त देश बानाऔ, लागि पारौ सारा."  यसै सन्धर्बमा यस वर्षमा पवेरा गा.वि.स.लाई दिसामुक्त गा.वि.स. क्षेत्र घोषणा गर्ने गरि यस  गा.वि.स.मा कार्यरत विभिन्न संघ संस्थाहरु मिलेर 271 घरमा चर्पी सहयोग कार्यक्रम निर्माण कार्य हुँदैछ। 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Campaign for Open Free Defecation Zone

A dog can't use latrine, but you can. Have a latrine yet?

In financial support of Fida International Nepal, New Life Service Association (NSA) is implementing its project under Water and Sanitation (WASH) project in 5 VDCs of Kailali district. 

The project has been started from 2011 and will completed in 2014. We have 54 WASH groups in each cluster of these VDCs. Through these WASH groups we are campaigning sanitation activities. Under this project we have a purpose of declaring Open Free Defecation Zone for at least 2 VDCs until 2014. 

From this year 2012, we have started to support to build low cost toilet to poor and marginal family from our coverage area. 

Please be with us and pray for us for the successful of this campaign. God created this beautiful nature and we people had destroyed it.