Thursday, September 15, 2011

Staff meeting and Planning Workshop (28-30 March 2011)

Community Mobilizers busy on planning of their VDC

Project Coordinator facilitating the workshop and meeting


From left back Dhan, Sudhram, Pramindra, Ram Bahadur, Prem, Angadularu and right front Jyoti, Sarita, Amrita

NSA Staffs @ WORK

Jyoti Shrestha (Project Coordinator) @ her desk busy on work
Dhan Khatri (Project Accountant) @ his desk busy on work

Pramindraman Shrestha (Field Supervisor) @ his desk on work

NSA Newsletter

This is NSA Herald (Quarterly Newsletter). This is our internal newsletter that publish in each and every three months. If you are interested to read this newsletter please write us email.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

NSA Community Mobilisers Working in 5 VDCs (WATSAN Project)

Sarita Chaudhary (Basauti VDC)
Amrita Chaudhary (Urma VDC)

Prem Bahadur Chaudhary (Pabera VDC)
Anga Dularu Chaudhary (Gadaria VDC)
Ram Bahadur Chaudhary (Pahalmanpur VDC)

Monday, September 12, 2011

We Partner with Fida International Nepal

Fida International Nepal and New Life Service Association (NSA) are Partner in Water and Sanitation Project (WATSAN-5465)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Staffs of NSA

Ms. Jyoti Shrestha (Project Coordinator)
Mr. Dhan Bahadur Khatri (Project Accountant)

Mr. Pramindra Man Shrestha (Field Supervisor)

Working Area VDCs of NSA (WATSAN) Project, Kailali

This is a map of Kailali district. It lies in far western region of Nepal. There are 42 VDCs and 2 municipalities in Kailali. Among 42 VDCs, WATSAN project has covered 5 VDCs. They are highlighted in colors.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Who we are:

New Life Service Association (NSA) is a non-profitable non government organization. It is based in Kailali district, Dhangadhi. NSA is faith-based development organization dedicated to working with marginalized communities to overcome poverty and injustice.

NSA serves all the community people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, caste, religion and politics.

NSA established in 2007. It is registered in District Administration Office, Kailali (Reg.No.932) and affiliated with Social Welfare Council (Affiliated. No.20342). 

We are motivated and inspired by our God to serve the people of His own image. Jesus came to this world to serve the people, not to serve. We serve our communities through our project interventions for the development, change and contribute to our nation.